The Better:
wireless conectivity:

hardware improvement:
This is the really most superb gaming handheld processor nowdays. This quadcore will definietly take this handheld into the next level of gaming handheld. This processor is responsible for a great function on this Ps Vita 3G/WiFi such as quadripel ressolution, multiple touchpad, and finally the dual analog controller.
Touchsreen and rear touchpad
Touch, touch, and touch. So many gadget nowdays, even pc is build with touch feature maybe it's touchscreen or touchpad, just like Ps Vita. It has 5 inch of touchscreen size. Equipped OLED Multi touchscreen atlantaappliance repair with 16 million colors. This is the really new function that you never find on any competitor. With this screen, you can touch, grab, trace, push and pull, so this is so interactive handheld game.
I think i don't have to explain it. With all of this feature, you know what to do !!!
The last I have to say is: BE CAREFULL 3DS !!!
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